Set boundaries

How To Set Boundaries And Stay Safe When Meeting New People

When you set boundaries, you establish how you want to be treated. Setting boundaries is an important part of staying safe when meeting new people. When you’re meeting someone for the first time, it’s important to be aware of your boundaries. Here are some tips on how to set boundaries and stay safe when meeting new people:

Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

1. Make a list of your boundaries and stick to them. Be clear about what you’re willing to share and what you’re not willing to share with a new person. Don’t volunteer too much personal information right off the bat—let the other person get to know you first before disclosing any sensitive information. And always use caution when talking about controversial topics. This will help you stay safe and ensure that the conversation is respectful.

2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about someone’s identity or background. This will help you get a better sense of who they are and whether they’re a good candidate for a relationship or friendship.

3. Meet in a neutral and highly populated area. You don’t want to go to the home or ride in the car of someone you don’t know. Agree to meet at a local restaurant or cafe.

Drive yourself there or catch a ride with a friend. Avoid hotel rooms, bars, and out-of-the-way spots where there aren’t likely to be many people around. Daytime is better than night when you’re meeting someone for the first time.

4. Share your location. Make sure you share your meeting plans with your loved ones and who you will be meeting. Now is not the time to worry about your privacy. It’s dangerous out here, so you have to protect yourself.

If it makes you comfortable, invite the person to an event where several of your family and friends will be in attendance. They don’t have to follow you around, but you might feel better knowing your loved ones are a shout away.

Daddy Issues

Set Boundaries and Stay Safe

5. Don’t meet in person right away. This seems like a contradiction to what I said above. But if you can extend the time talking and chatting with the new person via phone and/or video, you can get to know him or her better before you actually meet. Take your time and vet this person.

6. Do a background check. When you are considering whether to introduce someone new into your life, it is important to do a background check. This will help you ensure that the person you are considering is safe and compatible with your lifestyle.

7. Ask for references. If you have mutual friends, reach out to them and inquire about the person. It’s okay to explain you are checking this person out. If he or she becomes angry at your inquiry, that is a red flag to walk away.

8. When you meet, if things start to feel uncomfortable, withdraw from the situation gracefully. Let the other person know why you’re withdrawing and be sure to thank them for their time before leaving.

9. If you feel you’re in danger, please reach out for help. Don’t be afraid to get up, run, yell, or scream to draw attention if necessary. If you’re in a restaurant, cause a scene. You can explain once you are safely away from that person.

10. Once the person has made you feel uncomfortable, don’t communicate with him or her again. Don’t call and block their number from your phone. But if you allow someone back into your life who you know doesn’t belong, you are sending a signal that you are weak and vulnerable.

You can meet other people. Stand your ground and respect your boundaries enough to protect your interests and your person. In the end, you will be a stronger person because of it.

By following these simple tips, you can set healthy boundaries and stay safe during your next meeting—no matter who it is!

If you would like professional help to set boundaries and enjoy the ease and convenience of online therapy, reach out to the folks at Online Therapy. They have thousands of happy clients!

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Book by Dr. Suweeyah Salih

To learn about how I changed my life for the better and let go of the pain of the past, pick up a copy of my book Choosing to Stop the Madness: Overcoming Toxic Family Patterns. In the book, I describe how I ended generations of abuse and unhealthy parenting in my life. I can show you how to do the same in yours. A judge says about the book:

“Author writes with a wonderfully relatable voice and tone. We sense emotions through this voice, adding a tremendous realism and natural connection for the reader. We relate to the author knowing that this was an unhealthy environment from a young age, but the adults did nothing to help. We feel the anger, the heartbreak, the helplessness on the author’s behalf fully, because it may match our own.”

Judge, 9th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published E-Book Awards

Words can heal and absorb our pain. My journal Stop the Madness: Overcome Toxic Family Patterns Journal will help you reflect on your past and plan for your future. I designed it to accompany the book. Pick up a copy of both today.

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About Dr. Suweeyah Salih

Author and life coach helping you become your best and most authentic self.

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